Who are we?

About us

Our Mission

  • To promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation; and
  • To assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and in promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school.

Mowbray Public School P&C is a member of the P&C Federation of NSW and is registered with The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).

The P&C is led by an Executive team which are voted into their positions each year at our Annual General Meeting (AGM).

P&C Executive Committee

The Mowbray Public School P&C Executive Committee are responsible for carrying out the decisions of the association and is made up of 5 Officers of the association and up to 6 other members. View the Position Descriptions of the P&C Executive Committee here.

Office Bearers

President Jessica Stubbs president@mowbraypandc.org.au
Vice President Joanne Jenkinson vicepresident@mowbraypandc.org.au
Vice President Angela Sharpe vicepresident@mowbraypandc.org.au
Treasurer Daniella Kucic treasurer@mowbraypandc.org.au
Secretary Vacant secretary@mowbraypandc.org.au


Music Convenor Diana De Belin musicconvenor@mowbraypandc.org.au
Music Convenor Cristina Villamayor musicconvenor@mowbraypandc.org.au
Events Lead Heidi Gutry events@mowbraypandc.org.au
Online Lead Bianca Rutten online@mowbraypandc.org.au
Executive Beau Gutry info@mowbraypandc.org.au
Executive Katelyn Kent info@mowbraypandc.org.au

P&C Meetings

Mowbray Public School P&C meetings are held twice a term, in the Mowbray Public School Library and online. P&C meetings are open to everyone and follow a formal Agenda. Financial Members vote on each agenda item and discuss any new issues that arise. Our principal provides insight and information about school matters and provides feedback to those in attendance.

Refer to the Event Calendar for meeting dates.

Get involved and let’s improve the Mowbray Community together